Friday, June 20, 2014

Palms Up

If the symbols look familiar it's because I've them used in a previous image; the lower right is me. The other one is…well…either you already know or you don't.

I woke up extraordinarily early today. I think I had the first really good sleep in a long while. Several days ago I realized that I hadn't been feeling quite up to par. Duh! I quit taking blackstrap molasses each morning. I hadn't realized how much my body depends on the iron…I don't want to go for my checkup next week and be like, all anemic and shit. Three days after starting back to it, I feel pretty damn good.

At any rate, I really didn't have much else going on this early so I started "arting". I'm almost always surprised by my choices; the original images, the layering, the filters, and colors are random. I suspect I'm entering another phase of creating that actually does me some good. 'Give myself subjects to ponder.

"Palms Up"? I dunno much about that choice either. It's kinda nice to be half-asleep and just staring at that blinking cursor on the title line until somethings pops into my head. Of course, it relates to the Great Whatever…I don't always "pray" per se but put my palms up. For whatever reason, my palms almost always get warm. It's my way of letting go, taking in, getting over, moving ahead; it's not a surrendering but a…joining in?

Some days a ouija board looks enticing… I'm just gonna not stress and keep these palms working. 'Not sure just where anything is heading except for ME. I'm staying put!

Next on my Agenda: I'm being forced into taking SOME kind of action financially. I'm going to have to communicate w the Ex-Boo and I'm dreading it but…I'm due something. Over 30k down the fucking drain? Really. I'd be asking for such a small fraction…I hate being in this position. PFFFT!

Or better yet…palms up.


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