Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Here's to New Days

Several weeks ago, when blogging about Self-Sabotage, I asked for more New Days and boy howdy…I certainly got what I asked for! I'm considering the notion that maybe events have unfolded for the sole purpose of working on myself. The past five weeks have been…bizarre. I understand that it's a burden being my Witness, but I hope that in the long run, it will allow for a truly honest way to "be" together one day.

Being back in Manchaca + spending time with someone who's never left (who's probably just as "cray-cray") = _____________ ? I honestly tried to come with something clever about Texas weather…too early in the morning. I know I've been unsettling to watch; I'm unaware of anything beyond "wind damage" at this point. I didn't bother to include Love in the the equation…always "times 'x'"…you just never know what Relationship Algebra will do to an equation.

Some Notes to Readers:

I feel sorry when I break the "4th wall", reach out through my blog and grab someone who's wronged me; it can sound so potentially violent. It isn't fair to you…unless of course it's about you. Blogs are tricky that way. But I'm all about words. The worst thing I've done in later adulthood was dent a stainless steel sink w a coffee mug.

In July, this blog will be NINE YEARS OLD. C'mon! How many of us have been that consistent? Me neither….there's a big gap in there somewhere and I'm grateful to have jumped over it. I have no material legacy for my children; I'm hopeful they'll read it one day when I'm gone. Haha…call it, "How I Met Your Maker".

I've had feedback that working through My Shit AND blogging about it is self-indulgent. I've been told to "get over it", "move on" yada yada… and I laugh. This is what "getting over it" LOOKS LIKE! It's a lot of fucking hard work and, being the brat that I am, I'm thinking I should be rewarded sometimes. And there's never ever a complete "getting over" of anything in Life. 'Mirrors most of the bodywork I do: find what's impeded and painful, palpate, and gently release the scar tissue and adhesions contributing to the local dysfunction. Breathe.

So breathe, Good People. It's all Process.


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