Saturday, April 12, 2014


I can't remember copying actual layers from one image to another. Lazy? Efficient? I'll go with the later…

I had a rough night sleeping. 'Could be for any number of reasons but I'm suspecting that, after 2 days of drinking distilled water, my body decided to turn my DQ Blizzard from yesterday into a Mucous Mess. I spent the night coughing and running to pee…probably burned off the calories at least.

As for my Heart…oh my. My Goofy Gus brought me homemade (and reasonably healthy) pie for breakfast in the 'Hut. Remind me again why I'm not supposed to be in love with you? No. Don't. I'll just learn not to talk about it…said NO WOMAN EVER! haha…even I thought that was funny.

So on we roll with this…whatever he wants to call it. I do have to wonder if there isn't some Mystery Deal Breaker that he keeps around "just in case" some woman falls for him. Maybe he's already used his most reliable one and is considering a new one? Oh well. It is what it is. At least I've played pretty much ALL of my cards…not too much Mystery here…said NO MAN EVER! haha I did it twice.

Today I'm truly happy.


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