Friday, May 23, 2014

Smooth Sailing and other Cliches

I do have to admit to hitting a sort of snag in creativity; quarterly reports for my Special Needs clients always does a number on me. I spend hours staring at my screen because I have this odd anxiety with documenting my clients' progress…maybe because I understand the importance. Since moving into the 'Hut, the problem has only become worse. It really has been the one and only true downside to living here: a total lack of self-discipline with "paperwork" of any sort.

OH! Today I attacked a phobia! I've been afraid to inflate my tires because I made one explode once and, after driving around too long w the "Low Tire Pressure" sensor nagging me, I finally pulled Trusty up to air today and got it DONE. Yes, it's a stupid phobia but it was enough for me to consider all kinds of silly solutions before I just finally did it. I think my fabulous Date Night might have made me brave…

Since I've promised myself to cut any romantic chatter, I will limit myself. Things are finally starting to feel "right" interpersonally with a Special Special Man. I think I can set aside my neurotic self-sabotaging for the time being and just enjoy…today. There's likely to be more "roller-coastering" (just made that up) but I feel confident about hanging with the "ride".

And I am so grateful to the Great Whatever (and perhaps some special "helpers"?) for swinging the Great Pendulum in my direction. I love where I live, I love the good cousins I'm sharing Life with, I love my clients, and even though I'm so far from them, I love my children more than ever…my Love Cup is definitely brimming. Today. Being the Brat that I am, I'm sure I'll come up with some perio-menapausal wacky BS reason to decide the Great Pendulum is swinging away again. 'Totally my M-O.


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