Monday, May 12, 2014

Back in "Normal" Time

I'm a little surprised that it's been more than a week since posting…I was on a roll there for awhile. I guess NOT blogging about certain people and topics might limit output. I've been keeping a handwritten journal for my…romantic thingamajig. I figure it will be at least of source of amusement for him one day; it already is for me.

Financial crises have been avoided for now. But, boy howdy, it wouldn't take me too much to get all mad about it. It really sucks that I "invested" in such an abject Failure. It's not just the money, it's the LACK of thought that counts. Knowing what I know now, would I have done anything differently? Financially, of course. Emotionally? Well, it's pretty obvious that I'm a Sucker so probably not. Pfffft. Regret sucks.

And I'm glad to be feeling less and less of it since I (finally) came Home. My heart knows I'm on the Right Track; I just need to keep my hands off the "wheel" so to speak.


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