Monday, August 27, 2007

A Chigger in my Belly Button: My Daughter and I Visit Family in Texas

Hola, Cyber-Self. Hola, Cyber-Universe.

Nothin' says "Welcome Home to Texas" like a bug bite in the belly button... especially charming since I couldn't help from scratching myself for the last three days there. (NOW you Yankees know why Hicks are always shown scratchin' their bellies. Chiggers.)

And if you know me, you know that I like nothing more than "studying my own belly button" and yes, I'm prepared to go with the metaphor.

If Plastic Could Talk

The last day of our stay in Texas was spent with life-long friends of my dad's; we were celebrating his birthday. Upon entering their new home, the wife handed me my high school i.d. from my freshman year . Wow! Yet another reminder... my daughter will start high school this year. And another reminder that she's much more prepared than I was and in so many ways. Thanks for the find!

Which brings me back to my "belly button": where WAS this piece of plastic for the last 28 years?!?!?!?

My sister and I grew up with our friends' 4 boys. Between the two of us, we dated 3 of 4 them (yes, the 4th is gay which is why we remain friends4ever) So... which brother kept it? Was it under the carpet or in a drawer? It does look like it may have been used to pick a lock so I do have the sense it was at least utilitarian. Wacky. Don't worry though, I totally get it with my Inner Southern Belle. Nice place to visit but I'm obviously not That Girl any more. (Sigh.)

The Whole Fam-Damnily
Yup. This is them. At least the ones from Manchaca, Texas who are either descendants of my Great Grandfather or married to one. My Aunt Lil (center, in the black dress) gave me this when I visited her. She said it was taken in 1966 because my father was leaving for Vietnam.
Some "belly button" stats:
* Only one couple pictured divorced.
* Of the ones yet to marry, only one marriage ended in divorce.
* My mother, Sandra Meredith, 2nd female from the right, was having an affair with a person pictured. He's a left-handed alcoholic; so is my husband.
* The oldest to die, my Great Grandfather (to the right of Lil...duh), Neal Meredith was 92.
* The youngest, my mother, was 29.
* I'm the youngest and the tubbiest of the toddlers.
* It looks like my Grandmother, Margaret, just pulled on my ears so I would behave.
* And, you know how when you're little and make a face and someone tells you "it will stick that way"? My cousin Michael's did! (Only boy toddler... did I really have to tell you? Lol)
* Funniest Family Name: Buford Whitehead. He's the one with the big ears. His wife, Annie Mae, is between him and my Aunt Lil.
* Most Beloved Relative: All of them! Well... except maybe for my cousins... they were pretty mean to me.

Reasons to live in Austin/Reasons not to:
It would be impossible for me to visit Texas and not imagine living there. But so much has changed with the landscape; I know Philly like the back of my hand. At least the places where I would be less likely to die from gunfire.

Pro: I would love to have more time with all of my family. I truly miss everyone. There are some really neat places to live either in or way out of Austin. People are generally polite. The food doesn't even compare to Philly fare; I can eat healthy AND yummy in Austin.

Con: My daughter is in Philly. I just got started with my business and I really want to see what happens... it's just getting exciting. After 20 years, I've made friends that are too hard to leave. And of course, my husband, step-sons and our dog are here; they're definitely happy right where they are. Literally. Leaving Philly would mean leaving them.

The 411

I have to admit that I was probably too glib in discussing Life's current challenges with some of my family in Texas. It's the meds. I've only been on my higher dose for a couple of weeks; still getting my land-legs. (see previous post)

This had to be the best visit home ever. I am so grateful to my aunt and sister for buying us the tickets. I know my daughter left feeling connected (money can't buy that, only lovin'. ) Thanks so much to everyone who made our visit so wonderfully comfortable, intimate, and fun. I have a busy stretch ahead of me but I hope to have photos from my daughter's new digital camera (thanks, Grandpa and Ginky!) to post.

That's if I can quit scratching at my chigger bite.

Namaste! And have fun! XO-D


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