A Chigger in my Belly Button: My Daughter and I Visit Family in Texas
Hola, Cyber-Self. Hola, Cyber-Universe.
And if you know me, you know that I like nothing more than "studying my own belly button" and yes, I'm prepared to go with the metaphor.

Which brings me back to my "belly button": where WAS this piece of plastic for the last 28 years?!?!?!?
My sister and I grew up with our friends' 4 boys. Between the two of us, we dated 3 of 4 them (yes, the 4th is gay which is why we remain friends4ever) So... which brother kept it? Was it under the carpet or in a drawer? It does look like it may have been used to pick a lock so I do have the sense it was at least utilitarian. Wacky. Don't worry though, I totally get it with my Inner Southern Belle. Nice place to visit but I'm obviously not That Girl any more. (Sigh.)

* Only one couple pictured divorced.
Reasons to live in Austin/Reasons not to:
It would be impossible for me to visit Texas and not imagine living there. But so much has changed with the landscape; I know Philly like the back of my hand. At least the places where I would be less likely to die from gunfire.
Pro: I would love to have more time with all of my family. I truly miss everyone. There are some really neat places to live either in or way out of Austin. People are generally polite. The food doesn't even compare to Philly fare; I can eat healthy AND yummy in Austin.
Con: My daughter is in Philly. I just got started with my business and I really want to see what happens... it's just getting exciting. After 20 years, I've made friends that are too hard to leave. And of course, my husband, step-sons and our dog are here; they're definitely happy right where they are. Literally. Leaving Philly would mean leaving them.The 411
I have to admit that I was probably too glib in discussing Life's current challenges with some of my family in Texas. It's the meds. I've only been on my higher dose for a couple of weeks; still getting my land-legs. (see previous post)This had to be the best visit home ever. I am so grateful to my aunt and sister for buying us the tickets. I know my daughter left feeling connected (money can't buy that, only lovin'. ) Thanks so much to everyone who made our visit so wonderfully comfortable, intimate, and fun. I have a busy stretch ahead of me but I hope to have photos from my daughter's new digital camera (thanks, Grandpa and Ginky!) to post.
That's if I can quit scratching at my chigger bite.Namaste! And have fun! XO-D
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