Monday, February 26, 2007

Can't Type with My Fingers Crossed

Ah... the joy of Self-Employment. I can make my own hours, be my own boss, make my own rules, and every February, I can STARVE if I want to!!! ARGH!

I tried to keep an upbeat attitude but honestly... February SUCKED. Not a little but a lot. First, the freezing temps., ice, and snow forced massive client cancellations and then my underwhelming ambition took a day or two away. I also had a cold. And I have a website that I can't market yet because the person who did it for me hasn't corrected the grammatical errors... but that didn't stop him from posting it so several hundred people could see my name with those errors. (I don't think he reads this but whatever, it isn't as if I didn't SAY anything to him about it. Double ARGH!)

Otherwise, things are great.

Massage therapy for UPenn has been my salvation. I've had clients every weekend with no cancellations. I have been walking there and back, which is 4 miles round trip, and I just added a 30 minute swim these past 2 weekends. So now I may still be STARVING but I LOOK better... :-)

I can't tell what March will bring (except for RENT) but I am always hopeful.

So if I haven't written or called or created anything, try to understand my challenge: I can be so ridiculously (Queen Ridic!) hopeful that I cripple my ability to actually do anything. My fingers perpetually cross at this stress level. I have the Good Stuff and the Bad Stuff just sitting there, waiting for me to deal with them but... can't quite get to it.

At least I took a minute to vent this Crap. Doesn't that make The Problem half-solved already?

So with February almost behind us, may we all have a more profitable March. Good Luck and God Bless.

Namaste, D

PS Think Spring!


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