Sunday, October 15, 2006

"She's not a Lesbian, she's from Texas."

File this entry under "Totally Blissin' Blog"; 'bout time, in my opinion!

Occasionally, I work for my massage alma mater as a Supervisor for community outreach events with students. Yesterday we had an event in Philly's Gay-borhood (or as my associate says, "in the Fruit Loop"; being as she is a native of the Isle of Lesbos, she can get away with it.) One student had a nasty cut so I worked on folks. We gave 15 minute chair massages.

Give me a massage chair and I will give you a "magic carpet ride"... if I'm feeling it. And yesterday I was on. The event was a Women's Wellness Day and the location was the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center. If people come in 33 flavors, then I got to meet 34 with my hands!

Ew wee howdy shucks that was fun!

Which explains my title: put me in a room with a lot of Lesbians and I just turn into Annie Oakley! It's a little bit embarrassing. On my break, I snuck over to the Reiki booth and had the most fantabulous session... I had a vision even. The Reiki Lady, who I had met before, and I had a big ol' long hug afterward. 'Went back to my station and I had been gone almost an hour! Oops! 'Gotta watch out for those Mystic Lesbians; they get me every time. :-)

The vision? That fire came out of my heart chakra. It was a skanky flame like the kind from an oil spill. Burning fossil fuel. I had the sense that I let go of the burning spill and let water take over again. (If you are into the Five Element Theory in Chinese medicine, I am a Wood person. Fire and Water are powerful symbols to me as they represent Rage and Understanding, respectively.) To say that I needed that would be an understatement. I literally felt as if a thirst had been quenched.

Which, of course, did not impress my students. Too bad. So sad. 'Better luck next time kids 'cuz Mama needed bodywork and that's that. I have to admit that some days it's great to be over 40 and piss off the little piss-ants of the world by having fun. Yee Haw! Ain't it somethin'?

So... I don't think I quite qualify as a Lesbian but I am certainly an enthusiastic tourist of the Isle. (wink wink)

'Hope you find some fun.


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