Thursday, June 21, 2007


Namaste, Cyper-Self! Namaste, Cyper-Universe! I've missed you!

Maybe it's a good sign that I have been too busy to blog; being busy is a good thing, right? Hmmm... my inner Depressive isn't convinced but my inner Child likes the attention. Listening to the two of them has been distracting. Now that eveyone is either at the Shore or in their OWN apartments, I have alone-time to sort through the accumulation and decide what is "recyclable" and what should go to the trash. (Believe me, there's definitely "stuff" that has ripened past their respective expiration dates... !)

I decided to make myself a timeline of events so I could at least keep track of where I was; I had to retrieve my datebook just to be sure.

June 20, 2007 Buyer's Event @Symphony House
Last night was my first time meeting my new clients: the residents of Symphony House.

This is the Dream Job that I didn't dare talk about until I was at least there once. I nearly jinxed myself by telling one friend who happened to catch a news story on the building; love her to death but she's a Squealer. Her excited phone call yesterday morning made my nerves jingle a little but I was fine... eventually. I did find the online version of the story and all that kept going through my head was, "... only 3% of the population can afford a residence in this price range..." So, yes, I stood there last night literally waiting to meet THE 3%.

Out of the 3% that I met, I would have to say that 95% of them were absolutely fun and wonderful, even if they didn't mean to be!

I offered free chair massage outside of the Massage Room which is off of the indoor pool and terrace. The pool is 80 degrees; I started to sweat immediately. (Only 5% seemed to hold that against me, hence the 95% figure.) I had many heartfelt laughs and promises of loyalty by the end of the event (my inner Child had a BLAST) And I even worked on someone I knew from way back in my Painted Bride Art Center days nearly 20 years ago. Most said they were moving in from now until September... my inner Depressive wonders when things will REALLY happen and my inner Child is still seeing stars.

June 19, 2007 Cecilia Graduates from 8th Grade!
My "little girl" will be in High School in September. For weeks, she hasn't talked about anything but how excited she is about 9th grade. Imagine our surprise to see her just melt with sadness after the ceremony... the depth of her friendships left me with a sense of bittersweet Joy and Pride that we have a daughter who is living Life in the fullest, healthiest way possible for a 13-year old. What a beautiful Young Woman.

June 17, 2007 Father's Day
The potential for Disaster was high this particular holiday; I had a client scheduled at Penn so we had to drive back from the Shore in 90+degree heat... not my husband's idea of celebration (or anyone's!) Cecilia had to be back early the next morning anyway so it wasn't as if we didn't need to get back.

I hate to admit it but... my Mother's Day was better than my husband's Day. He didn't get what he asked for but he seemed both bewildered and pleased by the odd clock Cecilia and I picked out for him. The boys cooked a fabuluous meal which seemed to balance the day for the Hubby; ah, the power of a properly prepared steak!

I neglected to call my own father (sorry, Dad) and his gift was a day late... thanks for being a Good Sport, Dad, and calling ME!

June 15, 2007 Shore

The weather was beautiful, flowers were bloomin', the robins had grown and flown from their nest in our arbor, the bees were busy... I finally had the opportunity to get out with the camera. I even encountered a very cooperative bee that posed for enough photos to have a couple of good shots.

This would have been a great blogging opportunity but there isn't currently a computer there... I had things I NEEDED to write about. One undercurrent in the timeframe for this extended blog is the emergence of New Absolutes; opinions or decisions that have been cemented in my 42-year old brain.

Absolute #3: Taking pyscho-active medication without proper supervision from a qualified professional is DANGEROUS, RECKLESS and... SELFISH!

At this moment, there are 3 people (that I know of) who are taking medications either improperly and/or without a therapist. I might just have pissed them off... good! I am not qualified to deal with your problems but I know people who are. Go see them!

The worst has been my own Hubby. I'm reasonably certain he never reads my blog so I'm relatively free to vent. He's been taking Zoloft that was prescribed by our regular doctor more than 2 years ago; my own therapist expressed concern at the time because physicians tend to stick to doses that are too low. Well... the Hubby decided to buy from Canada (like I do) but between procrastination and mistakes, he ran out before his order was delivered. So, he decided it was okay not to take it for a week or so. MISTAKE!

Everyone knows you are not supposed to go "cold turkey" on these kinds of medications. My husband's first, most conspicous withdrawal symptom is Rage. Rage in the car, rage at the news, rage with sales people, rage at takeout food... it was impossible not to take it personally. One morning, he announced that he was going to buy some groceries for us and then leave for the Shore to be alone. He bought us a shelf of Chef Boyardee and a freezer of Hot Pockets and Lean Cuisine. My daughter was convinced her father was mad at HER.

The experience resembled the times early in our marriage when my husband was still battling alcohol; I was left alone in Philly, no cash in the bank, with kids, and uncertain whether or not I would HAVE a husband at the end of the day. Not a Relationship Builder.

So... he finally got his order and we spent a couple of days at the Shore getting to know each other again. Another Divorcable Moment avoided. And he wonders why I want to move to there. Hello? Am I the only one that notices how much this environment improves our relationship?

June 10-12, 2007 Healthcare Conventions & Exhibitors Association Annual Meeting, Convention Center
Anyone who has ever worked at a Trade Show/Convention knows that it is totally a Twilight Zone experience. Quasi relationships are formed/maintained in a quasi community of quasi "homes" i.e. booths. I was hired by a local corporate massage business to work for 3 days providing hand massages for The Taylor Group. "Put yourself in our hands" (cute slogan) They provided a very nice home and I enjoyed myself very much, thank you. I had never done sessions of just hand massage so it was truly a learning experience. It put me in the position of sitting face-to-face with clients which never happens in a typical massage experience; I hadn't expected to have so many conversations! 'Can't teach that in massage school!

June 9, 2007 Independence Dragon Boat Regatta

Absolute #2: Professionally, if I KNOW the protocol, then I HAVE to stick to that.
Absolute #1: NEVER let another practitioner use my equipment without at least Proof of Insurance.

Sounds ominous, huh? What was otherwise a great experience i.e. volunteering chair massage for my favorite Dragon Boat team, was overshadowed by what was ultimately my own inexperience and stupidity. BUT I had the help of someone else's stupidity to work from.

While I was working on a team member, another woman from the team tapped me on the shoulder and said that she wanted to perform Reiki on the woman in my chair. I let her. When the Reiki lady was done, she told me to let the woman rest and she walked away. After a few minutes, I tried to revive the client but she was unresponsive. I just couldn't get anyone's attention! Reiki Lady IGNORED me at first! When we finally pulled the unconscious woman up, her eyes rolled back and we had paramedics on their way. She was literally stuck in my chair.

Absolute #2 comes from knowing a little about the woman's health. She did indicate that she had circulatory issues; these clients shouldn't sit in a massage chair for more than 15 minutes. By the time the Reiki was over, she had 20+ minutes. I ought to have insisted on the time frame.

Absolute #1 comes from the fact that I let a stranger potentially ruin my career. I'm insured... was SHE? The closest I got to an apology from her was, "You shouldn't feel responsible for what happened... I don't." (Who wouldn't have wanted to deck her?!?!?!?!?) Apparently, the client had been very ill for the last few months but she had insisted on racing anyway. She ultimately turned down the ambulance trip to the hospital once she was revived. So while half of the team was tending her, the other half was consoling me. I was truly beside myself.

Once I was calmer, I moved my chair out of the team tent and under a large shady tree. I took a donation box with me for the team and by the end of the day, I had over $50 to give them.

When I returned home, I showered and walked to a party hosted by one Cecilia's friends (parents were invited). A few beers and a walk home later, I had my Absolutes #1 and #2. 'Can't teach that in massage school, either... they try but it takes getting the shit scared out of you to get the point.

June 7, 2007 Dress Rehearsal for "Gate" at the Eastern State Penitentary
Wow! It's been FOREVER since I have seem a dance work that has truly inspired me. The Major Bonus was that my friend, Judy Williams, was in it! (Yeah Judy!) Most of the dancers are from the days when I used to dance (yet another talent dropped for no good reason) and that Judy had once booked for the Painted Bride when we both worked there. Leah Stein, the choreographer, actually arrived in Philly about the same time I did 20 years ago.

I attended the Dress Rehearsal with my daughter. I can't accurately describe what we saw except to say that it was like watching the imaginations of the ghosts that reside in the Prison rather than seeing the actual ghosts. The audience was split into groups to walk in different directions with the occasional crossing of paths and at the conclusion. It occurred to me afterwards that our journey was much like a prisoner's; we couldn't sit or lean (the walls are literally crumbling) and we had to stop wherever our particular guide instructed us (non-verbally). My favorite moment was when we left the dusty cells to be led out to a field. The breeze was amazing! Cecilia got spooked because she could hear a saxophone and she couldn't see where it was coming from. When she finally spotted him in the Watch Tower, she was a little startled. The piece ended with the audience standing where the dancers had started and the dancers were standing where WE started.... what a brilliant reversal of roles! Kudos to Leah Stein, her company and Judy!

I believe that catches me up. ('Only took 4 hours to write this... images take awhile still) Now I just have to clean the house. With my Mental Garbage sorted, the Real Garbage needs my attention. Maybe my next blog will have a few new Absolutes once I am done.

Take care of Yourself, Cyber-Universe
Namaste, Denise


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