Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Celebrating Spring/Celebrating Cecilia

Lately, it just seems like there are babies EVERYWHERE! New editions to family, first birthdays of several cuties belonging to old friends... and I've gone ga-ga for every single one of them. I can gaze at their photos forever; those deliciously sweet cheeks for kisses. Yum. I considered calling this mood "the second biological clock" but really, same clock/different time. So I decided to check out my own babies and I pulled out the dusty photo albums from way back when I was a size 10.

I came across these shots of Cecilia, then age 2 1/2, celebrating her first "big girl" haircut. It's impossible not to smile! There's comedy, song, dance, and, in the final shot, I suspect she's using sign language. I wish my last haircut had inspired me that way.

And I suppose that's part of it all: I want to be inspired. I want to be inspired by all that is guileless and goofy, spunky and smart. I want a dress that I like to twirl around and someone I can make funny faces for. (When I do it now, it just doesn't elicit the same response from my kids. duh)

I would also find it quite helpful if Spring would finally come. I had hoped to write about a beautifully inspiring sunny day but no luck. We'll be wet and then wetter because of another N'oreaster. I know, I know... showers/flowers. In that spirit, I won't be detered from my quest for all that's new and fresh. (I feel a new dress in my future... )

I think I'll start with a talk with my "inner baby" and take it from there. Because the Reality is:
Kiss your babies for me!
Namaste, Denise


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