Friday, September 27, 2013

'Guess I Called that One...

**sigh** I mentioned in my previous post that my ears were burning. Now there's a distinctive set of of bus tire tracks on my back. My only resentment is the timing. Why must all of my New Beginnings start with about $10 in my pocket? (I actually DO know why...that was just a pointless lament.)

I have some major Creative Problem Solving ahead and I have to admit I'm a little excited. Its been almost 25 years since I lived alone...or at least solely responsible for myself. I'm just kicking myself for being redundant in my relationships. I know all of us, being human and such, tend towards repetition; just another pointless lament.

I will be very happy to wave goodbye to Lockhart as a primary residence. I'm sure there's a few clients I will continue to see but no one I'll miss (more than my soon-to-be Ex). I've never understood how such ugly, mean people can come from such great land. Oh snap...OIL. (ha!) It's time I got HOME.

If I believed in the Gift-List God, I would be asking for a windfall, or a break, or at least some sort of compensation for the $$ spent... but since I don't, I can't. I CAN wait by the damn mailbox waiting for invoiced checks to come. I really need to stack things up and get the planning underway.

I think the bit of Joy I'm feeling is that the last 2 years really did move things in a better direction. As hard as it was to detach myself from the dysfunction in this town, I will always be grateful for having done so. I'm in the best possible position to start a Life that I am uniquely qualified to live. With folks who love me uniquely....


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