Monday, August 19, 2013

Striking a Balance

A month is too long to go between entries. Life is moving along nicely but I feel a little out of it since I haven't made something in awhile. Of course I did a lot of journaling at Camp Meeting earlier this month so I guess that counts.

This is definitely the phase of summer I have the hardest time dealing with the heat. My brain just goes numb when I step out. And I could sleep at least 12 hours a day if someone let me...otherwise I just find myself craving a nap. (Like right now! 'Can't because I have to leave in 23 minutes for a client.)

I have some Big Stuff that I'm dealing with. At the moment, my strategy is to let things be and not make any Big Decisions. I suspect Things in General will change on their own.

At least I posted Something...


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