Saturday, June 01, 2013

Spiraling Forward

I can't even begin to write about ALL of the recent changes because it's all so... molten. I've had a few wonderful professional opportunities present themselves and now they are flowing together. My new relationship with Hospice will likely become connected to my relationship with the company that I work for to provide Special Needs massage.


Family Life in Manchaca = GREAT on every level
Personal Satisfaction Professionally = Exponentially improved
Relationship with God = Messages are clear and quite easy to implement
Social Life in Lockhart = With very few exceptions, I find myself wanting to RUN from the people in this town
Social Life in South Austin = Improving slowly but steadily; process moves forward every Tuesday especially if my cooking is good.
Trusty the Truck = Needs new tires

I really only find myself in want of more money so I can move forward in Manchaca. I love my clients in this town, and I will always try to maintain our relationships, but really... Does anyone in this place believe in the benefit of Psychotherapy? Facebook has become the portal into Lives I feel so very lucky NOT to be a part of (I know it's mutual) BUT do these folks realize that I have done NOTHING but walk away? I wonder what level of gossip-mythology has come from my disconnections. What perceived "wrongs" have I done to them besides withhold my interest? *sigh* Out of my hands I suppose...

Enough procrastination. On with the chores...soon.


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