Monday, February 18, 2013

That went well...

So it turns out I already "own" 1.25 acres in an heir. I have verbal permission to do as  I wish with the front portion. My dad and his wife seemed genuinely excited when I asked and my sister said she doesn't care. Since she could change her mind, and any number of other things could happen, I'd like to have this all signed and sealed. 'Going to keep wishing for good money juju. I want my roots in family dirt now!

And honestly, I don't know why I feel so strongly about all of this at this particular time. Maybe it's because so many wishes have been granted since I've come home...some I didn't even know I wanted. And they are all of the good wishes, too. Wishes for a greater good. Wishes I've had since childhood when I played house in the woods. Wishes to be closer to family.

I'm pressing my luck with the Great Whatever by asking for more. Or am I?  Maybe that's the whole point: I have to ask for what I want or need.

I spent most of today in the woods clearing brush from my magical spot under the live oaks and hanging out with Dad.

Thank you.


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