Tuesday, September 04, 2012


It's late.

I don't feel compelled to write but rather to "write off". I have a few (current) blog readers whom I wish would find much better things to do. Your lives have nothing to do with mine. So...cut the cord, take me off your Readers, and go about YOUR business. Y'all might find the change refreshing. 

I do appreciate readers who 1) have a (future) reason to follow all of this (my daughter comes to mind) or 2) are mature enough to NOT assume every entry is about them or 3) are complete strangers. 

I'm looking forward to a time without a malicious audience. It's been a long year in that regard especially considering the discipline required to not retaliate.

I'm looking forward to a time when I can write without self-censoring. 

I'm looking forward to a time....


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