Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thursday w a side of Appointments

Dayummmmm...I wasted an entire day yesterday. I did absolutely nothing for hours and hours. I felt like I was recuperating but I'm not sure from what. Everything? Nothing? I was a slug.

BUT I did write myself this note:
Notes for Blog
- B**** family/death of client
- relationships here in L<3
   preferring one-on-one vs. groups esp parties

My only (massage)* palliative care client passed away a couple of weeks ago. Primary disease: Parkinson's. I had 3 sessions with him. My task was to ease the rigidity in his legs because he would wedge himself into his bed. It was obvious that he was in his last days and he was surrounded by family and hospice workers 24/7. Our sessions went very well; I was able to bend his knees enough to wedge in pillows to help keep them loose. And it was nice to visit with his wife while I was working. I know the sounds of conversation had to be of some solace wherever his mind was drifting....

I've known his family since early childhood. I joked several times to his wife that she knew more about my family than we did. Kinda true...and well-timed. His wife knows my father has Parkinson's and I'm sure that's why I was called in. She knows when my mother died, that I took care of my dying grandparents and she was very interested in my caring for my stepsons' mother when she was dying of cancer and then, the care of my stubborn, angry mother-in-law until her passing. In return, Mrs. B**** gave me a True Gift from God; a Possible Preview of Things to Come. I will always be grateful and indebted.

My presence stirred up other stuff, too. Mrs. B**** had me over to provide regular massage to family staying over for the funeral. I grew up with a few of the siblings/cousins (they had a very large family) and I never kept in touch, I was! I think it was hard for one son. He's a Hardened Soul and well...I'm a reminder of Simpler Days. I'm very relieved that emotions stayed in check. One rule about Funeral Land: People will do crazy shit. You just gotta keep things in check, which I did. Now that everyone's gone back to their families, I'll probably visit with my client's widow in a couple of weeks. I promised her I'd take her to Lockhart stuff that she's never heard of...

So I can cross off item number one.

*I say "massage" as an aside because, if there were a Lifetime Achievement Award for Caring for Dying People- (Non-Professional), I would definitely win. 


So......relationships here in Lockhart...what to say, what to say? 'Just seems like a solid plan to try to stick to one-to-one stuff as much as possible. I might go to a group-something right before I leave for Camp Meeting but that's still a "might". I really don't need to see my more volatile friends drunk or high; I really really don't need anything resembling awkward. (see above...der) If my Calling is truly about bringing Peace to this place, it's best not to stir shit up. That's so Last Year! (hee hee...kinda funny since I'm sure that "Peace" is not the first thing to come to mind when some folks think of me. Maybe one day they'll understand my true frustration: Discipleship denied. Boo hiss....)

I do have to admit to one thing that I've been doing that's just sooo stupid! I've been waiting for "the lightbulb to go off" with some folks. I've been waiting for them to truly "get" me. WTF? What next? Holding my breath til I get my way? It sucks that I've wasted energy. It's silly to give it any thought since it's passed and gone.

I love the diversity of my friendships. I will work to build firmer foundations.

Cyber-Universe: I think it's darned cute that I wrote a "post it" to you. It's a comfort to feel connected to the Great Whatever. Cyber-Self: While it's tempting to chide you Lazy Daisy, there really is no such thing as "wasted time." Take a little time to become "A-Mused" then quit using that dumb pun. MUAH!


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