Sunday, October 14, 2007

Rediscovering the Lost Arts of Meandering, Lolligagging, and Dawdling

Namaste, Cyber-Self. Namaste, Cyber-Universe.

Aw... at last... a topic!

I have been working just a bit beyond my comfort zone this past 6 weeks. It's a Very Good Thing. With more than double my usual massage appointments, the cash flow is... flowing and I've met some pretty wonderful new clients. What makes them wonderful? Well, first and foremost, they like me. 'Pretty fundamental given my chosen profession AND my Ego! And they give me things to think about. Ideas that give rise to other ideas... and then I get to share those ideas. I am once again the Good Student and my clients are great Teachers.

"Sit Back and Enjoy the Walk"

I think I made this up but I'm not sure. I say it to myself every time I have to walk a distance with any of my gear. All of us tend to lean foward when we're in a hurry and my shoulders just can't take it. So... I visualize sitting on a stool as I am walking; with my pelvis tucked, the shoulders just naturally come back. And then... I can see! I'm always surprised by how much of the time I spend looking down. With my head up, I cheer up.

When I've shared this with my clients, nearly everyone "gets it" especially the UPenn clients. After all, who among them isn't lugging gear around campus AND spending 10+ hours a day on a computer? Oi! And it's such a beautiful campus with so many beautiful, brilliant people. Why not enjoy it? Joy is truly practical. Without it, everything becomes work...ew!

Meandering, Lolligagging, and Dawdling
For my clients at Symphony House, these words have Power. They form a Triad of Wasted Time and Effort. They are Antique Words; from a time when one simply did not waste Time.

"Dialoguing" is a very important part of my work and the most challenging. It's not uncommon, especially during Myofascial Release sessions, for a client to share very initimate details of their lives. I must allow them to do so without judgement or negative influence (i.e. giving advice is often out of my scope-of-practice) but I also want to be encouraging. So... I bring these Words into my own experience and if it seems appropriate, I share with them the Joy that lies within these words... for me. They "get it" alright; once to the point of tears. What is Wealth if you can't enjoy it?

The View
Symphony House is one of a number of new buildings within Philadelphia's skyline. To me, they are all beautiful. It's as if they had a meeting about Light when they planned this new landscape. Most of the additions are glass and asymmetrical to some degree; the palette of Sky, Sun, and Clouds is as infinite and unique as the Moment. And as my daughter has discovered while waiting for her daily bus to school, it's even beautiful at 6:45am... maybe especially so. Not only am I "sitting back and enjoying the walk", I'm learning about Beauty.

Whenever I get the chance, I try to get some Terrace Time when I have a Symphony House client. There is nearly a 270degree view from the northeast corner which faces Downtown and includes City Hall. I imagine living in one of the Hives within the skyscape, especially at night. It is a Living Work of Art. The wind is always active, carrying Ideas with it. I don't have to live here, I AM HERE!

The Massage Room is located just inside, by the indoor pool. The door still slams shut so I can hear my clients come into the Pool Room (there's still a lot of little things to be fixed but it has generated a sense of unity.) If the Concierge has been watching me, I have been meandering, lolligagging and dawdling within and without of the reach of his security camera. And then he gets to see my clients leave... I'm always happy and a little sweaty when I pass him to wander off to wherever. I'm blissin' and it shows.

I can't imagine anything better for myself. My Love of my Work is undeniable and hopefully, contagious. And... BONUS! I think I have a topic for November's client e-newsletter! Nothing like being a little ahead on something.

So, my Cyber-Sweeties, it is my Hope that you discover your Inner Lost Arts. You are worth it. XOXOXOXO-D


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