Sunday, February 27, 2011

12:59pm (waiting for Boo to wake up)

A re-done image from 1996.

9:09am (running late for church)

9:59 Okay...I totally blew off church. I just got done writing my excuse-email to the choir director. Too tired. I'm even too tired to write why (see Imagine Lockhart or CCTXN on FB )
but NOT too tired to make a quick image. BTW I managed to scrape the shit out of my new truck last night at a chair massage gig. I now hate mega-apartment complexes and the erratic open/close action of their gates. I took too long to drive through one and cut the turn too sharp......sceeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrape! Oi! It ain't easy being me.

Can I get a back rub, Cyber-Universe? Go back to sleep, Cyber-Self. You have stuff to do later.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Oh my!

Just wanted to insert a little somethin': I got a wonderful email from my son, Colin and I mentioned my blog to him. (Context: that it was obvious that I would be leaving Philly eventually but even I didn't quite catch it til later. 'Just wanted him to read the entries where that's obvious.) Well...I found old comments from a friend of mine! I had NO IDEA. Pretty darn cool.

I have a long day of massage ahead.

Have a fantastic Wednesday, Cyber-Universe. Keep up the good attitude, Cyber-Self cuz I love you!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Did it again...

The image directly above is marked with the date 8/12/06; the one above, today.

Since I actually have a "work at home agenda" today, I won't be writing anything. Oops...I just did!

Love you SO MUCH, Cyber-Universe! You go, Cyber-Self! Holla!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

RePost ReWorked


Thought I'd throw this on. I was reading through my Archive and these are some of the last photos made with my previous camera. Hmmm....I don't look so happy, do I?

Have a wonderful Saturday, Cyber-Universe. You too, Cyber-Self

Friday, February 18, 2011


And I'm running late. But I wanted to get this on here since I made it today. XO-D
Have a nice weekend, Cyber-Universe. Have a great time at the jewelry party, Cyber-Self; always good to meet new people.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


'Thought I would try to improve upon yesterday's endeavor... oh well!

In other words, I still haven't cracked the procrastination nut. (sigh) It ain't easy bein' me.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day 8:27pm

I've shocked myself: today I had every opportunity to get very important stuff done and I just flat out didn't do it. Hmmm. This is not a good sign. 'And/or it's an indication that I truly need to have a little chat with myself. (sigh) I would just call this a Mental Health Day but I'm pretty sure (even though I'm basically self-employed) that I have used all of them....prolly for a few years. (nah, not really)

The Valentine's entry from 2009 is pretty interesting and very telling. I just hope that all is peaceful in Philly.

Adios, Cyber-Universe.'re! :-P

Valentine's Day 8:46am

Please see "Rubber Ducky Feng Shui". ;-)

Friday, February 11, 2011


Ok, so I guess this "style" is my current phase. Alright by me I guess. I think the biggest achievements so far have been 1) FINDING my old photo stock and 2) having just the right amount of time each morning to make something...anything...doesn't matter.

Or does it? I would love to know that maybe my blog might be put into book form and given to family and friends upon my passing. (of course, being consecutive is sometimes hard with the blog layout.) Well...long after I moved home to Texas, I decided to look through my complete blog archive; I was stunned by how telling my entries were YEARS ahead of my decision to divorce and move here. Wow. If my Ex had ever bother to read it, would things be different? (prolly not but interesting to consider on an intellectual level...the other "levels" are long gone.)

Anyhoo. It's a good habit.

Happy Friday, Cyber-Universe. I really need to tell you? Really? Well do what you're going to do but things don't get done by themselves. (I'm such a Nag.)

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Rubber Ducky Feng Shui (7:44am)

My Boo and I have a game we sometimes play: he will change what I consider to be a perfectly arranged shelf/table/counter with one little thing. He did that with my Seashell Zen corner of the planter out front. My Boo wondered if I'd notice if he changed the direction the decorative frog faced...I caught it immediately.

Well...for the last week, he just wouldn't leave the bathroom windo
wsill alone. He kept adding one rubber ducky (he's the smallest on the right). I'd find a new place for ducky and sure enough, within the hour he'd be back up there. So yesterday, I gave in and Zen-ed it out with a proper collection of duckies. The arrangement has survived unchanged for at least 18 hours.

BTW, there's never any conversation in regard to this game unless of c
ourse, it's something major like furniture. Sometimes it's the most subtle interactions that make a relationship fun and inspiring. (happy sigh)

Stay dry, warm, and safe, Cyber-Universe! Take care of that foot, C
yber-Self! DUH! Like NOW!

ADDED 2/14/11... and the Game continues! Soooooo fun. Xo-D

Monday, February 07, 2011


The Honeymoon Is Over Suite


This morning I've decided to do the writing first and maybe get an image in after. I love this title because it's officially an inside joke between me and my Boo. I took him to stay in Wimberley and, in my effort to be romantic, booked the same room we had last year on his birthday; it was a spontaneous effort to surprise my Sweetheart.

Well...Romantic Memory is highly untrustworthy! The freakin' cabin is just as uncomfortable as last time, if not more so! How could I have forgotten?!?!? At least I had the good sense to bring a pillow from home but my back is still sore. We both could barely walk the next morning and we both fell asleep the second we got back to Lockhart. Freakin' miserable. So maybe the romance that I remember came out of a bond made in mutual misery. And we did have a great time shopping at the rock store and hangin' at Ino'z with great friends and endless pitchers of beer. (sigh) The weather rocked and the drive both ways was beyond beautiful. I just have to remember to ask for a different (but probably just as miserable) cabin next year!

A Med Milestone
Today I refill my one month on the two new meds. If you've ever been on this type of medication then you know there are timeframes for this stuff to actually work; most do well before a month. So it's a time to "check in" with oneself: hmmmm.... all systems seem good but I really should try to exercise more.

Make it a Great Monday, Cyber-Universe! Be Productive and Pro-active, Cyber-Self!

Saturday, February 05, 2011


'Thought I'd throw together a little something before I wisk my Boo away to Wimberley. (We're waiting for laundry...?) It's his birthday and I decided to repeat last year's gift: overnight in a log cabin, an evening of numerous pitchers of beer with no fear of DWI, a hike in the morning cold, a hot breakfast and off again for the real world. We might even shop for rocks.

Enjoy your weekend, Cyber-Universe! Patience is a virture, Cyber-Self; the best gifts are given unconditionally. MUAH!

Friday, February 04, 2011

7:32am (edit of a previous image)

Sometimes I'll create an image that I just don't "get". This is one. This morning I decided to try to make it about smell.

I have absolutely no idea how this day will pan out. I'm supposed to have clients at the chiro's office but with the dusting of snow, who knows? I feel bad because both are rescheduled from Wednesday when we had rolling black outs and no heat. I came to Texas to get away from this kind of weather!

Make the best of it, Cyber-Universe! Eat a good breakfast no matter what, Cyber-Self!

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

My Boo

(Note: I had to edit some of this the next morning. Some things just didn't sound right.)

Even though this photo is over 30 years old, I still see this image of a young man when I look at my Boo. Maybe it's because, in so many ways, he's still very much the same. I was 15-16 when I had a crush on Mark; at the time, I hated it because I knew I wasn't popular or pretty enough. I believe there's yearbook picture (80?) of the Madrigal singers and he's posed with his hand on my shoulder. I look thoroughly annoyed.

The Great Experiment
There are days when I am absolutely overcome with Awe and Bewilderment: how did I end up here? Of all of the people in my past, why Mark? Our paths after high school couldn't have been more divergent. He stayed here and I went to Philly and stayed 22 years. So why does this relationship make Perfect Sense? How are we able to live together so well?

(smiling at you, Cyber-Universe) It's totally a God Thing. Call It what you need to: the Great Whatever, Kismet, Higher Power (too 12 Step for me personally), get the point. And I think God has a great sense of Humor and Irony. (Hard to tell just what's up globally with Him though....sigh)

I just needed to get that thought out. This Adventure with my Boo has been/always will be an Endless Discovery of Why I Love Him. 'Got an attitude of gratitude.....

Stay Warm, Sweet Cyber-Universe! Enjoy your day, Cyber-Self!

Tuesday, February 01, 2011


Ok...I'm not exactly off to the most productive start BUT it's something! Making a quick Photoshop-something every few days could become a Good Habit. I have a tough time with those sometimes.

Stay warm, Cyber-Universe. really ought to at least shower...just sayin'.