Tuesday, November 02, 2010

7:15 am

Finally! I'm actually sitting at my computer and creating something that has absolutely no direct purpose. Business is building and it seems like all of my creative energy is used to keep it growing. That's Good. That's All-American. That's taking a lot out me!

Welcome back to the Pendulum...oops I never left. There's a few blog entries aways back about the Great Pendulum swings of Life. I don't really think It ever stops; we just get used to the pace, much like jumping rope. It's all okay until something whacks It out and we find ourselves hastily avoiding gravity. I think self-employment does that to a person on a regular basis anyway.

So I promised myself that when I woke this morning, since I don't have clients today, that I would totally take a day off. I promised myself I would spend some time on this. (Of course, I will have to spend some time on work stuff because it never stops...no matter how many clients I have.)

And now "day off" doesn't mean sitting and sulking; I have chores to do. I have neglected-chores. I have projects. We're doing a garage sale so I have sorting, organizing, and cleaning to do. It's all good. So far though, I don't have much to sell because I completely pared down for the move out here 15 months ago...I really do like visiting my stuff though.

So have a Great Day, Cyber-Universe! Go easy on yourself, Cyber-Self...and yes, it IS November.



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