Friday, April 13, 2012

Hill Country Hideout

I actually made "hideout", "Hide Out" on my FB album.

Tuesday night, Boo and I made a mad dash outta town to a place with no cell reception, no computer (lap top coming next time!) and maybe too much Nature...HA! Luckily, I wrote down some thoughts while we were there. If I get to it, I will transcribe what seems relevant. We came home Thursday. And while we're both a little worse for wear (i.e. OLD), I still feel rejuvenated. Our dogs acted like 3 yr olds at Disney World; high on cotton candy and ready to roam...sort of! ! I think it overwhelmed their senses. We had a little freak out when the girls rolled in deer shit. We were just relieved they didn't make it to the couch inside. EW.

And I came home quite convinced that I am, indeed, with the Right One. My, how we can's conveying that gets to me. Oi! Men...

Cyber-Self: Now get up, eat some breakfast, take your vitamins, and git er dun! Long day ahead.

I wish I could Punkin Chunk the pain in my left hip/low back. I am now part of the I-Lifted-Something-Too-Heavy Asshole Club. Sucks... gotta be okay for my McJob today. Hmmmm. I think I also hurt from driving so much; get to put in 50+ mi of that, too. Pffft. Thanks Cyber-Universe. We'll take this up another time!


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