Friday, March 30, 2012

Staying on Task

At least most of my recent images are FROM the Shore; I had originally intended to create floral-based stuff but... it's all about the Journey, right?

And I have been totally kicking ASS at my Part-Time McJob! Especially once I realized it wasn't about "kicking ass" but more about efficiency and pace. I already have a reputation for giving great 2 hour massages. ('Not having to run around for 2 hours for me is total Bliss.) So I'm thinking that I need to rethink the term "McJob" even though, as far as massage goes, it is one. But it also happens to be a great fit on a part-time basis. Doubles my income. Comes at a very Good Time!

I honestly didn't feel our town's economic slide until very recently. I was lulled into a schedule that just barely covered my bills with a little walking around money. All it took to knock things off balance were a couple of missed appointments a month...too precarious fer shure. So I've snapped my ass out of that bind. And I'm truly having fun! (Not gonna lie heat pack and I spend a lot more time together!)

And in other news, there are the Ladies of Lockhart. I'm currently dealing with 2 specific ladies but, in many ways, the characters are interchangeable with myself included. There is something about this particular latitude and longitude that attracts some pretty wonderful and wacky folks. ALL are uniquely creative, resourceful, talented, egotistical, self-indulgent, highly nurturing, and emotionally fragile. Oh my. It does get quite messy. The most common element is Rage which usually pops up when relationships become especially close...I'm not a Shrink so I can't really say why. But for whatever reason, I feel uniquely qualified to move their Process ahead (maybe). What's different this time is that one side has no interest in reconciliation and the other will be hearing my honest opinion in the days ahead (we have "quality time" planned). Again, I don't really know why I need to work on this with her but I do. She must already know she exasperates me so.... I'm thinking that on some level, she's wanting to know. She's wanting someone her to tell her the Truth. ('With the usual disclaimers of course considering Filters and all.)

I'm thinking my impulse to mediate comes from living in Philly. Making a Good Life means investing in people who are most likely to treat you well and that you feel compelled to treat well in return. An Interdependence that makes Sense. I can't help but feel like recent advancements in my Life has everything to do with letting go of relationships that made no sense! They were NonSense. Once I lost the compulsion to treat them well, then I knew it was time. Actually...past time...I let folks become pretty ugly through my Filter. 'Time to focus on Common Sense.

(noticing that it's 9am) I am enjoying what resembles a routine. On days that I don't work until late afternoon, I officially "start" my day at 9. Anything before that is whatever I want...which today was THIS!

And I'm ready to "clock in". XO-D


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