Sunday, March 18, 2012

I am Not You.

or "The Distance Between Us - Part 3(?)"

Not sure if now is the best time to write. Try as I might, I can't shake feeling like I'm being "watched" on my least it happens less often. Of course, I could always change access but there's this part of me that refuses to adapt to another's mean-spiritedness. This blog isn't for them; it's for me. It's my virtual document to those who outlive me. The Who, What, Where, When for the span of years that I've decided to write this. (Laughing at my own need to keep repeating myself. pfft.)

I woke up with my first sunburn of the year. Yesterday was (nearly) Total Bliss. I kicked ass working this week so when I woke up, I decided that Saturday would be about Meandering. I meandered around the house, meandered to the farmer's market for social meandering, and then meandered over to my most favorite backyard to listen to music. 'Got lots of hugs along the way, a few quick conversations and promises to get together, and then I made my own "campsite". Sometimes there's nothing better than an established personal space. What was so nice was the people who visited my space and then very nicely, went onto their own. I really just wanted to sit under a tree and listen to good music... and I did (for the most part.) Didn't realize I was gettin' burned though...pfft.

So...the "(nearly)" and "(for the most part.)" obviously indicate that within my Bliss were Sources of Agitation. 'Still workin' on that. I know it's more about my Filter but geez...really? Some social behaviors feel like a Show for Attention. Gonna leave it at that.

I am a Gregarious Loner. 'Got too many wheels turning sometimes and I just don't have the Patience for people. Out of Love, I sometimes like to be Present but Separate. I adore how this town (for the most part...ha!) seems to totally respect that. I am Home.

So now it's off to another marathon for $$$. Maybe next post should be about my new "McJob." I'm finding it all very interesting so far and actually quite profitable. Who knew?

Cyber-Self, you should Meander more.

And you know, I think I pretty much chunked any punkins' without even realizing it! It's finally becoming a Reflex....YES!


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