Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Trying to...

muster together enough self-discipline to NOT lose my temper on a couple of...couple of...LOSERS (see? not doing a good job.) Its enough you gotta root through my social life like a wild hog but the games infuriate me. And I KNOW that's the desired result...argh...

BUT the Good News is that they've at least finished working their "charm" on one special circle. Someone referred to my appearance, unescorted by the Porcine Parade, as being "like the good ol' days." Says a lot since I've been here just over 2 years.

My blog should really be more about the High Road and I know that. 'Maybe 2012 will be free of Entitlement Swine.


Blogger Denise Meredith-Clark said...

I was trying locate my blog on my iPad and this entry is the most popular according to my search engine. Tsk Tsk...some folks need to focus more on who they ARE instead of attacking my writing because they ASSUME I'm ranting about them. Really...go...live...make a Life for yourselves.

8:15 AM  

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