Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Second to the Last Entry for 2011

I came to the computer ready to write but chose to read my email first. I had a note from a friend from high school asking for prayers; her mother-in-law has pneumonia. Her husband is in his late 60's and has been steadily declining in health himself. I'd estimate his mother in her 80's.

I spent a lot of time writing my response. It will most likely be today's "filter". This is what I wrote:

"When I think about the two of you, I do see you as "M**B**". You epitomize to me the ideal of what a truly loving, bonded marriage should be; you are one. There's boundless power in that unity and you've certainly have had the opportunity to prove it in the past. ('Guess that makes you a Power Couple! >:D< big hug)

I say this because well...we all know this transitional "place". One day, perhaps not for years, the focus will turn to prayers for peace rather than recovery. We already know it will make our hearts ache but we've learned to pray with confidence. We become the matriarchs and patriarchs of our families. We understand the underlying responsibility to be examples for our young, supports for our peers, and caretakers of our elders. It is another rite of passage. But I'm sure you both already know all of this.

So please, let me know if there's anything I can do. And if you need to hide for a couple of hours, I'm pretty certain no one will find you in Lockhart. ;) winking Take good care of yourselves, take your vitamins, give yourselves some TLC.

I might not get to see ya'll often enough but know I treasure you. Meeting ya'll was one of the greatest homecoming gifts of all. XOXOXOXO"

Maybe sometime today or tomorrow I will write the last entry for the year. 'Seems necessary. Though none of us could ever truly tie up all of our "loose ends", its nice (and traditional) to say goodbye to the year. And every time I'm tempted to say that 2011 sucked, I immediately think of all the good stuff that didn't. But make no mistake, I am quite ready to give it a wave.

Cyber-Universe: I don't know exactly when I started this format. 'Not even sure why. What I DO know is that its mostly crap thrown into space. Bullshit that I'm throwing away. UN-recyclable. Not intended for consumption.

Cyber-Self: The dryer buzzer went off twice. Better go before things wrinkle.

And so it goes.


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