Thursday, October 06, 2011

Oops. Guess Life Happened...

I have to admit that I'm shocked that it's been so long since I've posted and that so MUCH has happened over the course of this lapse. And you know what? I ain't gonna write shit about it. 'Maybe when some things have resolved...don't really care. I have too many Discussion Openers in my head. September was a Shit/Fire Storm in just about every relationship around me...not about me necessarily but still stressful. And I had my own 'Storm to deal with. Pfffffffftt. September sucked and there's not Take Backs. Let's see how Optimistic October works out. ( check engine light went off yesterday on my future is at stake...financially...maybe...too scared to check. Pffft.)

So...I came back to the Blog because I started to think about Christmas and maybe creating more Shutterfly books. I finally made something; really shouldn't have let that much time pass and it probably would have served me well to be more creative. I'll try harder.

I have a feeling that chanting the Serenity Prayer in my head will serve me well too. 'Just sayin'.

Cyber-Universe: now the oppressive heat has passed, there's no excuse for bad* behavior.
Cyber-Self: Who made you the boss? (Point taken.)

* "bad" as in knowing when something is wrong and doing it anyway. Ew.


Blogger Denise Meredith-Clark said...

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11:54 PM  
Blogger Denise Meredith-Clark said...

Wow. Today is Dec. 22 and I just realized that there are NO entries for September. I'm surprised because a lot of stuff happened.

The month started with the Fires. I was in Delhi for 14 or so hours on Labor Day. The very next day, my relationship with my boss took a shit-spiral for no reason that I could figure out. 'Never knew if the 2 were connected and I guess I was overwhelmed. I do make reference to crap at the very end of September. Very weird time.

I was looking through my blog because I was reminded that there is current, specific interest in what I write. And I honestly don't get why. Besides my family, who really gives a flyin' fuck what some random 47 yr old woman thinks? Really. I would very much like to know at some point because it's bothersome (see post from yesterday...sigh). But not enough for me to ever take back a single word.

I've always considered my blog to be something that's read after I die...

PS It looks like I deleted my comment but I only edited. I'm pretty firm on my Do Not Delete policy on my own writing. -D

11:58 PM  

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