Wednesday, May 04, 2011

The Shift: Was that IT?!?!

Tonight I'm following my own advice. I have a small mountain of things to do and I'm feeling a day behind (last minute $$$.) I just had to get in my MDR before I even made out my bank deposit; priorities.

It's kinda wicked wild that I've been speaking of a Shift and now the world has followed suit in such a mind-boggling direction. I'm literally waiting for aftershocks...I'm trying not to let it be a bad, wasteful endeavor. I'm just making sure my footing is as sound as possible.

And you'll have to count me among the ambivalent when it comes to O/Usama. It all just makes me remember the weight of those years when my son served in Iraq; can't get those back. Maybe it was because I was in Philly but September 11 will always mark the day that Happiness was over. Tunneling my way out of that Hole took most of those 10 years; can't even say if I'm truly out or not. I know that I wish my son could act like he loves me. Just for a minute. 10 seconds. Whatever. My other son and my daughter are my consolation and they are very good at it. Such a shame they feel the need to emotionally cover for him. See?!?!?! Down into the Hole I go...just like that! (sigh) I really need to get over myself. (hugs to self cuz I was stupid enough to watch news today. tsk tsk)

Oh SNAP! I just put something together (this was a good idea to write); my Boo has been watching wayyyyyyyy more of that shit-news than I have. Lately his cynicism has been too much and it has made me cranky. He's so certain that the world as a WHOLE cannot be trusted! For REALS? (Yes, I'm aware he might keep up with this blog...too bad, Sweetie but I can only take so much of it a day without a little balance. Whew...I feel better. Gesundheit.)

And while I'm looking down the Hole and bitching, my Ex sent 1 of 2 tax returns a YEAR after they were requested. Now I have to figure out where to turn it in because I need a stamped cover-sheet. For REALS?!?!? And you're gonna give me shit for calling it even with the money you owed me IF you gave it to our Girl for prom and all of the graduation stuff, seniors shore trip, etc.? I sent $300 and you owe me $300. REALLY? What a Cheap Bastard. (Was that out loud?...sorry sorta kinda.) That's just an element I hadn't expected to last this long: every communication just reinforces why I got divorced in the first place. See? I did it again...I let myself get pissed. This will just NOT DO!

oooo...Second SNAP! Now I know I'm a nerdy-goofball-flake-a-zoid: I'm thinking that Volunteering is good for dis-remembering assholes and the people attached to them. When you mingle with the Peeps, you either like the folks you meet or you just become jovial acquaintances. Fair enough, right? Wish I had a magic wand to wave over a few heads.

So enough of this for tonight. It's 11:56pm which is very late for me. ha. If I'm lucky, I'll get my bank deposit made and maybe maybe I'll have nice piles and post-its made for tomorrow morning when I'll be well rested and inspired. (After all, I did have an awesome nap today.)

And on that note, I repeat what I commented on a FB Wall. "...prepare for the media mayhem. I'm not gonna watch. I'm waiting for the musical." It was Liked.

Soooooooo...Cyber-Universe....have any CLUE as to what's next? I know. I know. Sure-footing blah blah. Cyber-Self: Don't be such a Brat Baby and things will go more smoothly. Boundaries are good but there's really no need to give yourself a concussion by banging your head on someone else's. It's kinda cute that you try but only kinda. XO


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