Dedicated to all the Haters out there....

I like a good cry. Today's stream of tears was reassuring; I have my priorities in the right places. Recent God-driven lessons actually prepared me for this sad situation and I knew this Shift in relationships was coming. Here it is.
There are mornings when I sit down to this computer and look at the art I created the day before and I wonder... where did THAT come from? Some even make me cringe a little because they are either over-worked (more often than not) or under-worked (sloppy cutting for layers). My previous entry got mixed reviews from me on first glance.
Good Morning, Cyber-Universe and's the dawn of a New Day. 'Proper nouns only because I'm in a mood. I cleaned up my Inner House a little and it really felt good. I'm done with avoidable awkward moments that serve no purpose. 'Got enough moments that DO matter! So I cleared a few names from FB, massaged my 2 most loyal clients, and gave it my all in Zumba yesterday; good start Cyber-Self.
I'm usually a great public speaker. I've had lots of practice and I like it. I never get nervous or make stupid mistakes...until tonight. I wasn't nervous but my presentation was a total Fail. I was totally thrown off by...lots of stuff.