Friday, April 29, 2011

Dedicated to all the Haters out there....

HAHA! 'Love you anyway! The Big However is that I won't typically provide you with consequences personally...I'll let "karma" do that. Put some baking soda on that sting when it happens. XO-D

Cyber-Universe, thank you for the beautiful morning. Cyber-Self: Make today a No-hold's-barred-get-it-done Fest.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Love Transfusion

Yesterday was amazing. Delicious Serendipity wove herself through my day, leaving me with the sense of true reunion. I spoke with (in order): a high school friend that I accidently texted, my boss' wife, my Boo's mom, my daughter, her godmother, and for a couple of hours, my beloved Boo. (Without him knowing I had spoken with her, he messaged the same high school friend.) We are definitely shifting. Nice that it's together...

I'm getting to like the fact that my daughter is more mature than I am. I told her about some of the social nonsense lately and she was so very sweet and insightful. Where DID she come from? Oh, that's right: God. The Great Whatever. And in acknowledging her own recent happiness, she said she felt a Positive Presence; that she had been given Something Special. I'm still smiling and still glowing. Love is magical.

Cyber-Universe: Good Fortune is much like the owl that we recently discovered in our yard; he roosts there almost daily. It finally occurred to me that he's probably been there for years... we just never looked. (Just be glad I didn't spew that Yoda-style!)
Cyber-Self: Drink more water and get yourself a good!

Saturday, April 23, 2011



My Inner Yoda: "One knows one what never will find out their closet cleans when own one.

Woot! Made something and wrote something just in time to get ready for work. All is right with the world. XO

Cyber-Universe: Your hot winds of fear are blowing through our town. Rain please. Cyber-Self: No worries. Really... what does worry really accomplish without direct action? So drop what is not yours. <3

Friday, April 22, 2011


And you can quote me on this:

Sometimes you just have to sit back and let them be the Asshole.

Peace, love and all that Jazz, Cyber-Universe! Horoscope for Cyber-Self: Now is not the time to speak your mind. Wait. (see quote to self above)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

from November 2006

'Great to happen across this image on this particular day (see previous post.) This was done in Philly back when I worried about bigger stuff: my son's service as a medic in Iraq, another 9/11 (walking by the Liberty Bell/ Independence Hall would never be the can feel the cameras), and my inability to forgive any wrongs.

Nothing like perspective. XO-D


I like a good cry. Today's stream of tears was reassuring; I have my priorities in the right places. Recent God-driven lessons actually prepared me for this sad situation and I knew this Shift in relationships was coming. Here it is.

But I'm reassured by the depth of the love I feel for my Boo, by the insight that mean-spirited behavior makes me sad rather than angry, and that, for the most part, I'm happy with the person I've become. I'm no angel for sure but I know the general vicinity of the High Road.

Cyber-Universe...what I appreciate most about you is your vastness; petty things are mites on the lice in the ear of a rat. Tiny. Cyber-Self... blogging will always be the best thing to do. It's an investment. Love you all. XO-D

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Don't worry. I think I'm strange, too

There are mornings when I sit down to this computer and look at the art I created the day before and I wonder... where did THAT come from? Some even make me cringe a little because they are either over-worked (more often than not) or under-worked (sloppy cutting for layers). My previous entry got mixed reviews from me on first glance.

And if anyone out there has even the slightest clue on how I might earn some income from this, please let me know. What the heck, I'm a big girl; tell me if that's just not a possibility. XO

I have a long day of massage ahead. Always adventure! Really. It's soooooo cool to know someone's back well enough to know what's up without asking. (But I always ask cuz that would be irresponsible, natch) I have the opportunity to lay my reality aside and go into the zone. I really do love what I do.

Rock on with your Bad Self, Cyber-Universe. Cyber-Self: have a great day, I love you.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Today's MDR

Friday, April 15, 2011

Minimum Daily Requirements

First of all, I'm ditching the "time stamp" titles. The intent has been fulfilled: I wanted to know when I was most likely to be creative each day. Got it. I like marking the endpoints of creative phases and experiments. Plus it made finding particular entries such a hassle! Oi!

I was thinkin' on the subject of my creativity and my thoughts segued into my current list of MDR's. I need doses of the following each and every day:
and recently, Birds

Totally not in order and definitely not complete.

My professional life has taken yet another shift. That's cool; everything seems to be in a shift anyway so why not everything? For reals.

Enjoy your bounty, Cyber-Universe! Cyber-Self: commit to meeting your MDR's before you commit yourself to any more endeavors. Love you.

Monday, April 11, 2011


New Feng-shui for the bathroom windowsill. I put the rubber ducks in with the soaps. I've rearranged a lot of little things in the house today. Wanting a sense of order is a good sign that I will probably-maybe-kinda finish sorting the pile at my left elbow. 'Still thinking a lot about people though. ohm.

Prayers are going out to family in Fort Davis; wild fires are popping up left and right and there is still great danger. Please pray for them, too Cyber-Universe. Cyber-Self: Take a break and then get back to work. Nothing gets done on it's own after all. XO

Friday, April 08, 2011

10:11am (2x at this time)

'Another Fentress Photoshop collage; I took so many nice stock photos that day. 'Keep me busy for weeks if I wanted to. I wonder when this particular phase of work will evolve. It has become fairly rote but so far, it hasn't quite become a bad thing. There's absolutely nothing wrong with artistic efficiency...Picasso? hello?

Dozens of positive opportunities are piled by my left elbow and I haven't had breakfast. Onward Ho! or Onward HO! or ONWARD...Ho! hehe

Keep your sense of humor, Cyber-Universe and be kind to those who don't have one.
Cyber-Self...I have to admit I'm pretty darned proud of you. Keep on keepin' on Girlfriend

Thursday, April 07, 2011


Good Morning, Cyber-Universe and's the dawn of a New Day. 'Proper nouns only because I'm in a mood. I cleaned up my Inner House a little and it really felt good. I'm done with avoidable awkward moments that serve no purpose. 'Got enough moments that DO matter! So I cleared a few names from FB, massaged my 2 most loyal clients, and gave it my all in Zumba yesterday; good start Cyber-Self.

I wish I had an image right now but time's a-tickin and today's a full day at my "regular" job.

Peace, Balance, and Abundance to you, Cyber-Universe. And all of you try to remember:
"No Judgement, No Malice"

Wednesday, April 06, 2011



Tuesday, April 05, 2011

10:59pm and Wide Awake

I'm usually a great public speaker. I've had lots of practice and I like it. I never get nervous or make stupid mistakes...until tonight. I wasn't nervous but my presentation was a total Fail. I was totally thrown off by...lots of stuff.

And later tonight I started thinking about my (feels like new) God-driven Life. One advantage of Faith is that it allows me to take a step back from everything around me, take my time, and make decisions with the trust that the Great Whatever typically takes care of most things anyway. There's no need to stay ahead of each moment... especially since the hardest things in Life have hit me from behind anyway. Blindsided me. Walking in Faith is a patient and thoughtful walk.

I think the problem with tonight was over-planning on my part. What had been a speech for a fluorescent-lit meeting room with bad acoustics and rows of chairs facing in one direction didn't happen. We met at someone's house instead. And I was so far ahead of myself and thinking about what I would say that I lost touch with the Moment. (Didn't help to have a certain someone irk me either.) I totally absorbed bits of everyones' dysfunction in all of the little distractions. Damn. I really did want to make a great I fear I will be labeled a Ditz.

God-Lesson: Being Present is often more important than being Prepared. Have Faith that the planning I do is adequate (through discipline of course...not supposed to be easy) and to always bring my best Intentions into my interactions. wasn't a total Fail. They might still think I'm ditzy but they know I care. The "proof's in the pudding." And now that I can set THIS aside, I might be able to make out the MANIC jumble of notes with arrows, numbers, underlines...what a mess! Maybe I should scan the page for an image...prolly not tonight cuz I'm finally sleepy. Feels good to talk it out.

Speaking of which, on the issue of someone irking me tonight: I have no need to say who or why. I am learning other God-driven lessons, too. Some of them are about relationships, boundaries, respect, compassion... the winds of Change are always blowin', that's fer sure. If I can continue to walk in Faith, the Shift that I feel coming might not turn out badly at all. Lord knows I've had me a lot of Shifts in the last couple far so good for the most part!

Sleep tight, Cyber-Universe You too, Cyber-Self

Monday, April 04, 2011


I have so many different thinking/writing things to do today. I sat down at the computer and an unfinished Photoshop project was open; I have my priorities! And I made Boo breakfast first thing this morning, too. I is smart.

Cyber-Universe: I know the Big Picture is pretty f-ed up but try to hang in there. Good people are in the Cosmic Trenches for you. Cyber-Self: Stop your lolly-gagging, puttering, and fiddling around...JK! That's just how you work best. Good Job. So glad you literally went ankle-deep into the mud of your new hometown yesterday. Good Mojo.

Friday, April 01, 2011
