Dedicated to all the Haters out there....
HAHA! 'Love you anyway! The Big However is that I won't typically provide you with consequences personally...I'll let "karma" do that. Put some baking soda on that sting when it happens. XO-D
HAHA! 'Love you anyway! The Big However is that I won't typically provide you with consequences personally...I'll let "karma" do that. Put some baking soda on that sting when it happens. XO-D
My Inner Yoda: "One knows one what never will find out their closet cleans when own one.
'Great to happen across this image on this particular day (see previous post.) This was done in Philly back when I worried about bigger stuff: my son's service as a medic in Iraq, another 9/11 (walking by the Liberty Bell/ Independence Hall would never be the can feel the cameras), and my inability to forgive any wrongs.
I like a good cry. Today's stream of tears was reassuring; I have my priorities in the right places. Recent God-driven lessons actually prepared me for this sad situation and I knew this Shift in relationships was coming. Here it is.
There are mornings when I sit down to this computer and look at the art I created the day before and I wonder... where did THAT come from? Some even make me cringe a little because they are either over-worked (more often than not) or under-worked (sloppy cutting for layers). My previous entry got mixed reviews from me on first glance.
First of all, I'm ditching the "time stamp" titles. The intent has been fulfilled: I wanted to know when I was most likely to be creative each day. Got it. I like marking the endpoints of creative phases and experiments. Plus it made finding particular entries such a hassle! Oi!
New Feng-shui for the bathroom windowsill. I put the rubber ducks in with the soaps. I've rearranged a lot of little things in the house today. Wanting a sense of order is a good sign that I will probably-maybe-kinda finish sorting the pile at my left elbow. 'Still thinking a lot about people though. ohm.
Good Morning, Cyber-Universe and's the dawn of a New Day. 'Proper nouns only because I'm in a mood. I cleaned up my Inner House a little and it really felt good. I'm done with avoidable awkward moments that serve no purpose. 'Got enough moments that DO matter! So I cleared a few names from FB, massaged my 2 most loyal clients, and gave it my all in Zumba yesterday; good start Cyber-Self.
I'm usually a great public speaker. I've had lots of practice and I like it. I never get nervous or make stupid mistakes...until tonight. I wasn't nervous but my presentation was a total Fail. I was totally thrown off by...lots of stuff.
I have so many different thinking/writing things to do today. I sat down at the computer and an unfinished Photoshop project was open; I have my priorities! And I made Boo breakfast first thing this morning, too. I is smart.