Monday, January 31, 2011


(sigh) What a weird day. It was at least 80 degrees but it's supposed to be Arctic in a few days...oh joy. 'Can't figure out if I feel weird because of my meds, the heat, or if I'm a little sick; I've seen so many more people lately! Germs everywhere... specially on children. Ew. I feel like I've had 3 mini-colds over the last 4 weeks.

And I've had a revelation: if I had been in Philly these past 2 winters, I would have gone completely insane. A lot of things sucked about my timing but not that; I barely escaped. (And then my arms start to hurt because I want them around Cecilia so very badly. The feeling never goes away... wish she'd write....)

'Did a test drive into Oak Hill in Trusty the Truck yesterday. 'Surprised myself by taking highways home (not I35, of course) and it was a snap. 'Had the road to myself mostly. Very nice.
I'm hopeful that my meds have reached their magic levels (ohm). I gotta get my Life together and move ahead already. I feel like I've been on a vacation from my business since my new responsibilities at the chiro's started but like I said, I haven't been 100% for awhile. A lot of changes and New Things to Get Excited About. (happy sigh)

Tomorrow I'm going to try very hard to commit a whole day on office stuff. Ew.

Wish me luck, Cyber-Universe! Discipline, Cyber-Self!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Ahhhh...had a chance to play with the previous image. Sweet.

As you were, Cyber-Universe, Cyber-Self!


This image was completely motivated by the fact that I will be emailing the link to this blog to someone. (sigh) But it was still fun and that's what's important. I really need to have creative play and Photoshop is perfect for that. No muss, no fuss, no spills, no supplies to buy (unless I print). Works for me.

Waiting for the New Normal
A little over a week ago, I started my third, and final, medication to control the PD. Hmmmm... not quite "there" yet but it's been okay. Transitioning into Brain Meds is quite the journey and the first two weeks are typically the most eventful. (I never learn...reading the lists of possible side effects just makes me wacko: "Is this a side effect?" Is THIS a side effect?" Is this a SIDE EFFECT?" ; not so much of the last one BTW but'd think I'd know better.) I DO know the Wellbutrin, again, has no impact on my desire to smoke cigarettes and in fact, I think I smoke more. Sheesh. And, as God as my witness, if I gain massive amounts of weight, I'm just gonna.....have to exercise. Sheesh and sheesh.

Here's to Fresh Starts, Cyber-Universe! Hope your day continues to be great, Cyber-Self! MUAH

Saturday, January 15, 2011


I have too many things that I could talk about but...just not feelin' the writing today. I will definitely think about writing.

Happy Saturday, Cyber-Universe. Good day's work, Cyber-Self. Get me a beer, too

Monday, January 03, 2011

First Post of 2011

Lots of thoughts but no ambition...for now. At least I finished a quick image.

Happy New Year, Cyber-Universe! Hang in there, Cyber-Self!