Saturday, January 15, 2011


I have too many things that I could talk about but...just not feelin' the writing today. I will definitely think about writing.

Happy Saturday, Cyber-Universe. Good day's work, Cyber-Self. Get me a beer, too


Blogger Denise Meredith-Clark said...

So...this will be the 2nd time I've felt inclined to comment. So it goes.

At the time I created this image, I didn't really understand what it meant (it happens with artists sometimes) until this morning:

This my brain. This is my brain getting used to new pycho-meds...mood meds...whatever. Glad that was only temporary. Life is good on the other side of this (took 6 weeks on one med, 2 weeks on the added...I'm good now.)

But really, I was kinda surprised by how realistic this image is! XO-D

9:59 AM  

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