Sunday, October 30, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
And on to more important things...

Seriously, that's what was ringing in my head this morning. 'Mustn't get stressed just yet.
Stresssssssssssssssss. I am so very very hard at work trying to let some of it go. It's hard in the presence of Idiots. Well...hardER. I blame my own lack of self-discipline/lack of boundaries. I'm getting testier each time my Life shifts because it has so many times in such a short period. I'm just not that flexible, that patient, or that forgiving at this particular moment. Tomorrow could be a whole new view for all I know. Today it would be wise for Idiots to keep their distance. (Of course, being Idiots means that they won't know better.) 'Wonder what my horoscope says.
Cyber-Universe: I'm reminded of an experience in Philly...
I had opened a Parent Resource Center in my kids' school and I was hosting one of my first meetings. I had furnished the room with a little decor, chairs, table, and some magazines. An African-American mom picked up a magazine and read, "Teaching Tolerance. Sheeeeeeeeeet. I don't want no one teachin' anybody to tolerate me. They lucky I tolerate them."
And she's quite right. We are ALL lucky that other people tolerate us. It's called Humility.
Cyber-Self: You just wrote your own horoscope. Follow it.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Today's Revelation

I am often the emotional "canary in a coal mine" in groups and pairs.
Definition Not good for the canary.
With various bits and pieces of relationships currently being mended, I feel refreshed enough to peck the hell out of any hand that tries to carry me into a "mine" against my will.
I have less important things to do.
Cyber-Universe: I've expressed this before...You are more than capable of taking care of Yourself with, or without, me. As You were.
Cyber-Self: Psychic Back Rub...wish it were as good as the real thing. An item for the To-Do list?
Thursday, October 06, 2011
Oops. Guess Life Happened...

I have to admit that I'm shocked that it's been so long since I've posted and that so MUCH has happened over the course of this lapse. And you know what? I ain't gonna write shit about it. 'Maybe when some things have resolved...don't really care. I have too many Discussion Openers in my head. September was a Shit/Fire Storm in just about every relationship around me...not about me necessarily but still stressful. And I had my own 'Storm to deal with. Pfffffffftt. September sucked and there's not Take Backs. Let's see how Optimistic October works out. ( check engine light went off yesterday on my future is at stake...financially...maybe...too scared to check. Pffft.)
So...I came back to the Blog because I started to think about Christmas and maybe creating more Shutterfly books. I finally made something; really shouldn't have let that much time pass and it probably would have served me well to be more creative. I'll try harder.
I have a feeling that chanting the Serenity Prayer in my head will serve me well too. 'Just sayin'.
Cyber-Universe: now the oppressive heat has passed, there's no excuse for bad* behavior.
Cyber-Self: Who made you the boss? (Point taken.)
* "bad" as in knowing when something is wrong and doing it anyway. Ew.