Friday, June 16, 2006

Peace Out

"Peace out Mama Soul."
That's my daughter's way of ending a conversation. Sometimes, it's just "Peace Out." I was told recently to "knock myself out" when it was my turn in the bathroom... does she know that I really could knock myself out in our Porcelain Paradise? Dunno. I do know that the Tween era has ended and she is officially a Teenager; 13 in August. I'm confident that she will do just fine... as long as I don't try to talk to her before noon.

"I might have to work."
That's what the Sweet Hubby said to me when we were looking at our bigger financial picture. Though he does work 4 months of the year, I'm still trying to figure out just what "semi-retired" is supposed to mean. I wonder if he thinks that it means that he doesn't have to drive 18-wheelers any more, not that he ever did. Lucky for him that I wasn't in a reactive mood though the comment did elicit a longer than normal look. He said, "What? I really might." Is that a threat or a promise? I will have to wait and see.

I worked at a small festival recently. I was supervising students from the massage school (in order to graduate a student has to fulfill a number of community outreach hours i.e. do endless hours of chair massage for free.) There were fortune tellers there and we all took a turn at having a reading. I liked mine. The gentleman talked about me for about 4 minutes and spent the next 15-20 figuring out "what's up" with the Hubby. He said my man had issues with unfairness, unrealistic expectations and indecision. The fortune teller suggested we take up ballroom dancing. Thanks. I'll be sure to get right to that first chance I get.

I can't say business is booming but there is a certain flow to my massage career. I may not be making money hand-over-fist (what DOES that mean?) but I am happy.

And... Happy Father's Day, Dad. This blog is for you. XO-Denise


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