Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Monday, March 28, 2011


9:23am (2x at this time!)

Sunday, March 27, 2011



Too much to say? Or so little interest in sharing? Both. Suffice it to say that I had another opportunity to demonstrate the very depth of my love for my Boo. Finding him reminds me that God does exist and that we are brought together with the Right People at the Right Time for the Right Reasons if our Intentions are pure and intended to benefit someone other than ourselves. He's an infinite source of awe/bewilderment/humor/respect/patience...all layered together as a result of His Life Thus Far. I love knowing that I am changing his/our future.

We'll just have to call it "The Showdown at Wimberley...Sort of"; we'll both know what you mean and hopefully, one day, it will inspire laughter.

Hug the ones you love, Cyber-Universe...BTW who ISN'T starving for affection on some level?!?!?!?!?!? Cyber-Self: I am very proud of you. 'Doesn't matter when you learn a Lesson, what matters is if you truly learned it. You go, Grrrl XO

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

3:01pm DST

Monday, March 14, 2011


Totally a bum this morning; gray days without work will do that. 'Spent a lot of time listening to the "Rolling Blackouts" album by The Go! Team...fun.

Have a good one, Cyber-Universe. And remember Cyber-Self, not everyone will "get" you and it really doesn't matter now does it? That's good. Now be productive. (I'm so hard on myself lol)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

8:59pm DST

9:31 am DST

'Thought I'd change things up a little and incorporate an image from 2007. I really do have a lot to write about but I'm kinda all over the place at the moment. (Like this is a new thing? Really?) BUT I have considered "planting" some entries within comments from older entries. There's a whole chapter of my Life that hasn't been mentioned...the Elephant in the Room, if you will. Hmmm...it's a thought. That makes a total of two thoughts so far today.

Have a Managable Time Change, Cyber-Universe and pray for Japan. Keep your good humor, Cyber-Self. Company's comin'...get off your butt! lol

Tuesday, March 08, 2011


Hmmm...guess it's easier to procrastinate with images rather than words. It's not as if I don't have plenty to talk about; I'm just not in the mood to ramble aimlessly. When all of the pieces start to make sense, you'll be the first to know, Cyber-Universe and Cyber-Self. As I've said in the past, it's better to write very little rather than spend hours editing. (And I don't like to edit this blog at all once it's posted...self-imposed blog-rule)

Friday, March 04, 2011


Tuesday, March 01, 2011


'Just thought I sneak in something very quick today. I'm actually making amazing progress with my office stuff:this is my reward. XO-D

Happy Tuesday, Cyber-Universe...I know there's a lot going on out there. Kudos, Cyber-Self but don't rest on your laurels.