Monday, August 11, 2008

The Magic of Three

Buenos Tardes, Cyber-Universe. Hola, Cyber-Self.

If you read my previous blog, then you know that I have been less than pleased with some folks; women to be specific. I tried to communicate my thoughts and feelings a couple of times but things just got worse... so I've had to work pretty hard to tune them out. Especially since I see them 3-4 times a week (oi!)

Yesterday, I had a wonderfully serendipitous reason to celebrate women and to quit worrying:

I got on my usual bus for work and I sat in the back with 2 mothers and their 3 kids. I couldn't help but overhear their conversation. They were talking about a woman in their social circle who has taken a great deal of criticism lately (okay, I think they said "character assassination") and they couldn't understand why. (Familiar? My interest was piqued.) Then they segued into "Why are Women So Mean to Each Other"? (A tune I have been singing for weeks!) I just had to butt in.

So why ARE women so mean? I told them I felt like I missed the chapter in the How-to-be-a-Girl Handbook. It was depressing me. After almost a month, I felt like giving up on the OTHER good folks in my group. Woe was me.

These ladies were so very nice to me. They let me know that there was no Handbook. Then, we talked about jealousy. (I'm never comfortable with that one... what's there to be jealous of?) We talked about unhappy people. We talked about cultural differences. We talked and we talked. They reassured me that it was okay to quit trying, to hang in there for what I want, and to hold my head high. To be happy about being happy! Yeah!

So when I got off the bus, my mood was better than elevated... I had reinforcement!

After work, a good 5 hours later, I went to my usual haunt, had a salad and a couple of beers and headed off for my office. On the way, who should I see? The ladies and their children again! "Hey! How spooky is this! How funny!" We went our separate, smiling ways.

At the office, I took care of a few e-mails and other stuff I don't like to do. After awhile, I trudged to the bus stop to go home. The wait felt endless (Sunday bus schedule.) Finally, it comes and guess who is sitting in the back? Yep! My Magic Ladies. Even the kids were excited.

The first thing they told me was that they had decided if they saw me again, that they would definitely get my number (done.) For our ride home, we covered all kinds of topics: kids, the military, school, work... I felt like I'd known them forever.

I hope to be hearing from them soon because I definitely need more of that kind of female bonding. And to all of the Mean Girls out there....


Thank you, Magic Ladies. I'm back on track. And of course, thank you to the Great Whatever for making sure we had the opportunity to shift the Universe. 'Bout time!

Namaste, Humanity! Keep it real! XOXOXOXO-D


Blogger Drippin' Reeds said...

What a cool day!! And a cool compare/contrast of your fair gender and mine. If the same players in your story were all guys it would have been starkly different. We'd have got on the bus, looked up briefly and grunted at one another. The next time we passed each other we would have no clue, unless of course one of us had hauled off and punched the other one earlier on the bus. By the third encounter, if we do actually recognize each other, we will give a quick 'sup?' and that would end it. It's great to be a guy. :-)

9:23 PM  

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