Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Sometimes I'll allow myself a trip down my own stream-of-consciousnes while I'm sitting in traffic. For whatever reason, I had this title pop into my head yesterday. 'Don't know whether it should be a theme or what…

I'd have to say the biggest "novelty" is my home life in my MicroHut. Most of the time I'm really very jazzed to be here. Today I'm trying very hard not to pout; I'm hoping my True Love doesn't ask me about it until I'm finished. Late-in-Life relation dynamics being what they are, I really should just pull up my Big Girl panties and get on with my day. Obviously, I still don't do well with anyone shutting me out for any reason…even if I know they just need a minute. Stupid Neurotic Ego. 'Gets in my way too often.

My second "novelty" would have to be my job. Who, besides my co-workers, drives endless miles to give massage to folks who are disabled? There are likely an infinite number of jobs that would pay more but I just can't see myself doing anything else right now. If I were to have some magic financial windfall, it's likely I'd drop just a few of my clients…the rest I'd keep seeing as if nothing happened, for as long as I could. Given the means, I'd certainly find a way to give back to these awesome families. I might be poor but…God knows I'm hardly impoverished.

And just to have a balanced third, I guess this blog is marginally novel. I have this wonderful space to write about anything…and I spend it by moaning and groaning most of the time. I could be leaving this wonderful, insightful legacy for my kids and loved ones; I could be sharing with the world all of the novelties in my life but…

'Still working on not pouting. smh…I should just take a shower in the "novel" semi-enclosed bath that I share.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


The 'Hut is very dirty. My pile of paperwork is very high. At the moment (waiting to check mail), I'm very broke. And I'm very very happy. Very.