Monday, December 30, 2013

Two Posts in One Day

'Felt so good to take out the "trash" that I sat down and made another image. I love my 'Hut.

Things I Didn't Do This Christmas

I spent most of "Christmas Week" house-sitting for a friend. While I did enjoy my stay (a hot bath every day!), it also made for too much time for thinking. And, as usual, I kept thinking of things of I wanted to say or do based on my meandering musings. I feel very lucky that I didn't act upon any of it and I'm now safely tucked back into my 'Hut. It was the most peaceful Christmas I can remember…

My Ego being what it is, I do feel I need to "shed" some of my thoughts. I need to feel a little proud that I haven't made more of an Ass of myself already. If I'm going to officially put 2013 into the past, I need to clean up the "garbage":

- I didn't contact my Ex-Boo last week…at all. I had nice things to say a few times and a lot of nasty things, too. He won't be getting anything else from me.

- I didn't pass along, to anyone related/friends with Ex-Boo, the REAL reason he wanted me out of his house: I ran out of money. I started our "Life" together with over $50k. He would never admit that I'm sure… Much easier for him to listen to and perpetuate gossip than talk things over. Of course, he did more than his share of spending MY money. Putz.

- I didn't call Ex-Boo's Mom to complain about the "gifts" he's been promising for over a year…though that would be the only way I could conceivably collect. 'Enjoy those new floors in the house you can't afford…I'm sure Mom will gladly cover any issue. I might live in a Hut but it's paid for. Super Putz.

- I didn't let anyone know that there were at LEAST 2 women that Ex-Boo corresponded with much the same way we first did; "sharing high school memories". I know that one husband intervened and asked for the emails to stop. ('Can't really share what's been "snooped" can we?) I know he's making out that I'm worse but really…the man was HARDLY a saint in our relationship. I knew that and I could accept it. Apparently he can't even accept himself.

- I also quelled the urge to call my Ex-Husband and let him know that Karma did "bite me in the ass"; that I had been played as a Chump and I'm just as broke as the day I left… 'Might make him smile but not a very "holiday" sentiment.

It really isn't that impressive of a list. I suppose I could include thoughts about those on the Boo's periphery but there's no need. 'Tossed those out awhile ago.

So let's tie off the 2013 Bag of Crap, hoist it to the curb, and hope last year's "trash pickers" have better things to do.

Monday, December 09, 2013

Hitting my Stride...

My cousin told me that time in my MicroHut would tell me a lot about myself. He's right. I'm finding some interesting new answers to old questions. And I'm feeling more patient…with all things, people, incidents and accidents.

This New Life has everything to do with living "old fashioned"; taking cues from my ancestors whose feet were in the very soil that my MicroHut rests upon. I've yet to feel any angst or sacrifice in being here. I am Home.