Monday, November 25, 2013

Warp Drive, Leap Frog, Magic Carpet Ride... doesn't matter how I got here. It's my 49th birthday. And since my last post, dated October 7th, every aspect of my Life have changed dramatically. I've stepped through a wall, a shroud, another dimension? It doesn't matter. I am living the Life I'm uniquely qualified to live. I'm encompassed by family, by home, by Faith…and a lot of mud! I get the hugs and kisses each morning and each night that I've needed for so long; takes a village for the 2 children in our collective charge. And as I told a friend, I've nearly mastered the Art of Flight between my MicroHut and the outhouse. I know my choice of a more primitive lifestyle is good for my fiftieth year and beyond. (More on all of that later. Might be a new blog; might not…)

As for the Life I've left behind, I remain loosely connected. There's a Love in my heart that will always be there; I have a bittersweet smile when I think about our adventures, our discussions, our secrets, our love. I had been uniquely qualified for that Life at one point…I'm forever grateful for ALL of it, good or bad. The last four years have been the "biggest".

It's my intention to chronicle my new life on my cousin's homestead. It's been two…three(?) weeks since I've moved into my 72 sq ft. MicroHut (too small to be "tiny, no plumbing so it's hardly a house) and I've loved every minute of it. I've been hesitant about writing for fear of jinxing myself; there's been no "suffering"! And then I realized that this really isn't the first time I've lived like this. But it's obviously the smallest personal space I've ever had and, since it was built for me, the one that I will love forever. A true Gift.

I've only created one image since moving in. I just got my computer set-up in a position that's comfortable a couple of days ago. It's the little things…yum.