Friday, October 19, 2012

of Time

Mornin' Glories!

Jiminy Crickets it's been a long time since I've created an image or written here or in journals. I have been writing to people more though...with some very mixed results! I am the ultimate Pollyanna and it's awesome when acquaintances "get that" from the get-go. I was looking for opportunities to serve the greater good, found a few, and I'm now humbled on a daily basis by my ineptitudes. At least the general consensus seems to be that I am "good goofy".

My daughter is visiting. It will be the longest stay to date and, for a few days, her boyfriend is here. Awkward but workable. As I write this, the rooster across the street is going strong and we have the windows open; the neighborhood dogs went berserk about an hour ago...wondering what the happy couple make of all this at 7am. Welcome to Lockhart, Kiddos. (And that is how I address them though he's 28. Pretty sure it's a little annoying. I'm okay with that.)

I'm looking forward to getting into high gear when she leaves. So many wonderful experiences lately has made me eager to create. Finally. And just in time for Christmas! Kidding aside, my recent shift into spending time with my aging family has made for some interesting social shifts. There's one soul in particular that has me feeling somewhat resentful. I'm the reason they even have a social life; they had no circle a year ago...again, my ineptitude is an obstacle. I'm supposed to be working away from pettiness.

I know without doubt that my Calling right now includes my aunt Lil, my father and his wife, and building a diversity of social resources for positive change in this crazy ass town. (Cue rooster lol!) Grateful that I have Boo, my girl, my family, and one very tall Hispanic rapper for support. God's love in motion, in deeds. Challenging, rewarding, frustrating, awe-inspiring, forlorn...I'm actually keeping up. 'Must be building spiritual "muscle".

I'm hoping to have time to make pictures soon.

Cyber-Self, Cyber-Universe:

Thank you. -DMC