Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Flowers and People
It's funny what I decide to do with Photoshop. Somewhere in my bizarre brain, the concept of portraits with flowers took hold. 'Haven't quite decided if they are worthy as gifts but that was the intent. I will have to revisit them in the days ahead and make a decision....can't show up to events empty-handed.

"Back on the SSRI" (sung to the Beatles' hit, "Back in the U.S.S.R.")
I finally broke down and decided to return to being a Med-Head (sigh). I just got so tired of being on the verge of a Panic Attack while driving (ironic that I chose to be a Mobile Massage Therapist) and then I finally had me a doozy. And then I saw a car accident (I came very very close to being the one hit). Today is day 4 and I'm feeling pretty good. I got to "road test" Celexa last night and I did okay. I'm trying not to be too disappointed in myself; I did make it over a year without anything but low doses of Klonopin.

I'm trying to avoid being too introspective for the moment. I did some more reading on PD and the meds and it only fueled the negative thinking. I have some chunks of time to take things easy before the Holiday completely consumes my time. And, of course, I have my daughter's (brief) visit ahead to keep me motivated.

I could really fly off on some tangents right now but I'm opting out...I wouldn't want to write stuff that I'd want to erase later. I've only done that a couple of times on this blog and I'd like to avoid it. Suffice it to say that the Great Pendulum is still swinging, I'm still holding on, and I am forever hopeful that I will become comfortable in the process of "hanging in there."

Namaste, Cyber-Universe. Kisses and hugs to you, Cyber-Self

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Card to my clients....

I might be neglecting my Blog but at least I'm getting things done!

Keep your Sanity, Cyber-Universe. You, too Cyber-Self....the Holidays can't last forever. MUAH