Thursday, January 08, 2009

Writing Exercise #7 (w.out kneeling)

Good Morning Cyber-Everything!

I was meandering through the bookmarks on my computer and I found my father's blog; all three entries. He mentions a writing exercise and my thought was that I should do the same... sort of.

First of all, it's daily. I just still haven't decided if morning or before bed is best so it has been twice a couple of days. And I do just open a large journal and go. The challenge is that I am trying to regain the ability to kneel "yoga style" . So, me being me, each is session is done kneeling and it ends when my legs give out or whatever. I'm at a coffee table I borrowed from my son and I use a small cushion between my ass and my legs which is helpful.

So it is truly a Writing Exercise. This is the first, and last, time on the computer. Too easy to edit. With handwriting it just flows because I can't "unfill" space even with erasing. Mess up, scratch out, keep going. A computer: mistype, backface, get a word or two, mistype, backspace, READ, etc. With the kneeling element, I hardly have the time to stop and read; I even write "(Pause) " when I get jammed in a thought. So the computer is actually not my best freestyle writing tool. Thats make one new thing I learned today and it's not even 9am. (snap!)

But I did want to drop the concept into the Cyber-Pool, set off some ripples, see what happens. Change is constant. Distraction is cool. (Pause) (Pause) Guess I am close to done.

(I just deleted a whole line of personal shit...see? The Cyber-Universe has it's outer limits... at least for me.)

So... things are becoming less chaotic. (Pause.) Sort of. Maybe. Who knows? Ask tomorrow.

Thanks for letting me "workout". Know that I will be scribing away. XO-D