Sunday, September 24, 2006

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Today is the 6th Day of the Rest of My Life

I just re-read my previous blog... how sad was that? But I was right. The potential for change was there and it finally started to flow last Friday. I literally woke up thinking "on your mark, get set, go!" And I did.

The grooviest element so far has been this chain of events that led to my Friday epiphany: I received fantastic bodywork that truly changed my brain, I spent hours in a swimming pool following my "magic carpet ride", spent 3 days in Atlantic City and I quit taking Wellbutrin altogether.

The bodywork was Cranio-Sacral Therapy (you'll have to look it up: John Upledger is the mind behind the modality.) With all of the chemical changes, I really needed to be put in a mental/physical state where I could mentally shuffle the cards and play with a FULL DECK. :-)

This bliss was enhanced by my own Mermaid Therapy. I spent the next afternoon at the pool I joined. While enjoying an extended float, which I can do forever, I had the sensation that I could feel the complete volume of the water with myself on top of it. Too groovy.

The three days in AC taught me one thing: I can get bored gambling. There was always that worry that I was a gambling addict waiting to happen but no, there was a point where I just didn't want to do it anymore. I won back almost half of what I spent. Fair enough.

And then there's the Wellbutrin. I suspect that part of the bloating had to do with taking this stuff. I haven't seen my shrink yet but I have an appointment for next week. It never occurred to me that my meds might mess with my liver and/or gall bladder but that would account for the blobby-blahs from before. I'll be kicking the Klonopin once I'm sure that I won't have any withdrawal brew-haha from the Wellbutrin. I'm keeping the Celexa; I just feel like the other 2 were balancing themselves out and I just didn't need it anymore. The context in which I started all of these is no longer the one I live in.

So no more bitchin'... at least about my bod. The whole 9/11 5th Anniversary media blitz pissed me off. It was only a big deal because of mid-term elections. The only personal benefit was about 5 minutes of introspection that yes, I am in better shape than I was then. 'Didn't need CNN to tell me that.

BTW, the Toilet Paper Fairy has a reading recommendation: "Don't Think Of An Elephant" by George Lakoff. It's about the linguistics of politics and why the Republicans have been so successful even when their decisions have pissed most of us off. She hopes you enjoy it.

Artwork coming soon.
